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China's foundry industry for the first time the micro compet

Update time  2020-12-05 16:41 Reading volume

By China Foundry Association, Baotou City cast friend Industrial Material Co., Ltd., Shanghai Machinery Manufacturing Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Foseco foundry material (China) Co., Ltd in association with the "National Foundry Industry in 2016 micro class competition awards ceremony, on May 18, 2016 during the second session of the China Foundry Festival is held ceremoniously. >>>>> settled beauty cast integral mall activities open.

Awards ceremony ended successfully, China industry news, machinery and other media have reproduced, reported, however, it is sad that there is no media, mention the winners, including the first prize winners.

Entertainment Awards activities relating to any, the media hype and reports, why in the foundry industry, winner is unknown? Winners extremely works has not been substantial publicity, but to a variety of events forward, don't say, China Foundry Association itself to greater than the significance of these winners?

Is not attached to the winners, and the original intention of holding this event is consistent, it is questionable. The author believes that the activities of the organizers should not override the winners, only, the whole society attention to artisan to encourage more young people to join the foundry industry, this is the importance of talent, can really help Chinese casting industry vocational education transformation upgrade, China foundry technology innovation and development of open up a new path.

I hope that China Foundry Association can lead the national foundry industry, from their own, the real focus of grassroots talent, more focus on technical personnel, and the support and help of foundry enterprises. Less of their own propaganda, this is an industry organization's true purpose, rather than the use of resources for many years accumulation, and set up the stage, singing the economy, while ignoring the true meaning of "service".

National Foundry Industry in 2016 micro class contest